Saturday, 21 May 2011

Cool House!

Yesterday,I saw another Dog!Is the same breed as me!While talking and playing to each other,the owner want to invite me to come their house!I was so excited!Mummy allow me to go!I want to see how many toys and if there is a Yard to play with!While going,I saw a Swimming Pool!I tell the Chihuahua,Bella,:'Hola!Your house is big!'She is also a girl!Bella say:'Thank You!Wanna play?'Then I answered:'Yes Of Course!!!!'Then,we play!When the storm come,we went into the house.We went to the bedroom.Guess what?The Bedroom was BIG!!It is so fun!Mummy say:'Best Friend can be Forever!'Then,is time to go home,mummy say that if still can go,I want to bring my sister,Kylie!